
On the 19th of April, I was the keynote speaker for the Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA) Grahamstown AGM, that took place in Eden Grove lecture theatre, at Rhodes University. In the first part of my talk, I discussed the reptiles that could be found in and around Grahamstown, and how to identify them. I also talked about snakebite treatment, snake myths, and what to do if you encounter… Read More

Recently myself, Luke Kemp and Courtney Hundermark ventured to St Francis in search of a small, range-restricted species of gecko called the salt marsh gecko (Cryptactites peringueyi).  The gecko is commonly found at base of restios, in and around salt marshes. Although we knew where to look, it certainly did not mean that we found them easily. After spending the whole morning hunting through restios along the estuary, on the outskirts of… Read More